Friday, January 18, 2008

zielinski - a font

the zielinski font was created out of photos i took during Siegfried Zielinski's keynote speech at the re:place media art histories conference in berlin (november 2007). in a font creator, i used the bitcrushed images to replace the letters of the alphabet.With this new font i re-enacted the manifesto Zielinski presented at re:place.

the original photos can be seen on my flickr account.
my re-enactment of Zielinski's talk is on p/art//icles.

produced in 2008

Thursday, January 17, 2008

IX - documentation

Review of project processes and backgrounds, collaboratively written by Nina Wenhart and Jon Cates.

written in 2008

Nina Wenhart

hacked raven input

Hacked Raven Input (nina wenhart, jon cates + jake elliot) remixes and transcodes raw data from various Media Art Archives, converting files into realtime audio video noise, building a nest for digital punk computer witches and crashing systems across a network connecting Linz/Chicago.

For an in-detail documentation of the project and the process of developing it:


Hacked Raven Input - reinterpretations by nina wenhart

produced in 2008

my contribution: idea, concept development, creation, performance

Jon Cates, Nina Wenhart, Jake Elliott

January 2008, at quitch, Linz