Friday, November 5, 2010

media art ghosts

seminal media art histories texts are databend and sonified.

so far the media art ghosts series includes:
  • vannevar bush's "as we may think"
  • donna haraway's "a cyborg manifesto"
  • william s. burrough and brion gysin's "the third mind"
  • michel foucault's "archaeology of knowledge"

media art ghosts by nina wenhart

in my appropriations of these texts, i only use sources found online and in various formats. the remixes are then fed back into the public domain. i thereby want to make a statement about open access to digital cultural heritage and express my approach to archiving as an active process.

this series is inspired by all of the above mentioned texts, especially by the following quote from "the third mind":
Any narrative passage or any passage, say, of poetic images is subject to any number of variations, all of which may be interesting and valid in their own right. A page of Rimbaud cut up and rearranged will give you quite new images. Rimbaud images—real Rimbaud images—but new ones.

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